We've heard ad nauseam about the chronic 'Conservation Constipation' exhibited within much of our leadership ranks. Reluctance, capitulation, fear and doubt are regularly sowed in our ecosystems... and then we wonder why the germination of greener ideas is stunted? Instead of GORE-Texing our mindsets from the penetration of brilliant enviro ideas, it's about time that we immerse ourselves with progressive possibilities!

As often portrayed within Tonic Water and our watershed channels, let's not be careful about what we wish for--
Let's be wishful about what we care for!!
Finally, more cantankerous thoughts by our leadership fellow Thickshake Spear:
Mrs. Schwartz at the deli counter: "Sam, I'll take a pound of salami, a pound of potato salad, and a pound of leadership."
Sam (chuckling): 'You must mean liverwurst'..
Mrs. Schwartz: "No difference, same thing."
Enviro leadership guidebook for the ages...

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