We are scared to death of throwing caution to the wind. We tremble at the mere thought of doing anything unscripted or unauthorized. We ignore the dynamic perplexity that humans are made of, switch to auto pilot whenever possible, and unintentionally bake bodies of tumult. It’s due time to bring on more ado about something!
Enviro leadership delegates discretion to those with the most experience, but simultaneously challenges novices to make judgement calls that are more arduous and compelling than scheduling a Zoom meeting. Avoid the ‘royal flush’ mentality and share the stage! www.tonic-water.org
(And whatever happens, stay thirsty!)
At long last, a monthly quip from our brother ThickshakeSpear:
"My Dear Citizen, what is it that you call a lion that is chronically late for her ballet class?"
'I would not know, dear Sir.'
"Well I would surely refer to her as a ‘leotard’….".

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