What’s up 2025?
Are we setting our sights on more propagation or more propaganda? I suppose that depends upon:
*Whether we take shared responsibility, oftentimes for the horrid mistakes of others.
*Whether we can muster up enough gumption to chew up the elephant, one bite at a time.
*Not simply whether we are on the same page, but whether we are able to read between the lines.
*Whether we can debunk the longstanding myths that leadership can be learned without being earned.
There’s no mystique to these mistakes. It’s much easier to slip on 2 inches of fresh snow than on 2 feet. If we dread the future, our future will be dreadful. Be a quirky-yet-reliable green leader, and start forecasting our sustainable future—Stay thirsty! www.tonic-water.org
+++ A New Year’s perspective from our gallant savant Thickshake Spear:
“I spent the holiday reading and was mesmerized by Victor Hugo’s recount of the tales, trials and tribulations of Quasimodo in the cathedral of Notre Dame. For quite a time I truly thought that he was a leader of all men, but eventually wished that I had my hunchback...”

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